电子书:Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition
Using This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Comments and Questions
I: Introduction
1. MySQL
1.1 Relational Databases
1.2 The History of MySQL
1.3 MySQL Design
1.4 MySQL Features
1.5 MySQL Applications
1.6 What You Get
2. Installation
2.1 Preparation
2.2 Unix Installation
2.3 Windows Installation
3. SQL According to MySQL
3.1 SQL Basics
3.2 Database Creation
3.3 Table Management
3.4 MySQL Data Types
3.5 Indexing
3.6 Managing Data
3.7 Queries
3.8 SQL Operators
3.9 Advanced Features
4. Database Administration
4.1 Configuration
4.2 Server Startup and Shutdown
4.3 Logging
4.4 Backup
4.5 Recovery
4.6 Table Maintenance and Crash Recovery
II: MySQL Administration
5. Performance Tuning
5.1 An Approach to Performance Tuning
5.2 Application Tuning
5.3 Database Server Tuning
5.4 Operating System/Hardware Tuning
6. Security
6.1 Database Security
6.2 System Security
6.3 Application Security
7. Database Design
7.1 Database Design Primer
7.2 Normalization
7.3 A Logical Data-Modeling Methodology
7.4 Physical Database Design
III: MySQL Programming
8. Database Applications
8.1 Architecture
8.2 Connections and Transactions
8.3 Object/Relational Modeling
9. Perl
9.1 Introduction to DBI
9.2 DBI and CGI
9.3 A General Model for Maintainable Perl Programs
10. Python
10.1 DB-API
10.2 Proprietary Operations
10.3 Applied DB-API
11. PHP
11.1 Introducing PHP
11.2 Installing PHP
11.3 Accessing the MySQL DBMS with PHP
11.4 Securing User Data
11.5 Managing Sessions
11.6 Writing Data with PHP
11.7 Using the HTML <form> Environment
11.8 Where to Find Out More
12. C API
12.1 API Overview
12.2 The C API in Practice
12.3 Advanced Issues
13. Java
13.1 The JDBC API
13.2 Simple Database Access
13.3 Dynamic Database Access
13.4 A Guest Book Servlet
14. Extending MySQL
14.1 User-Defined Functions
14.2 Alternative Character Sets
IV: MySQL Reference
15. SQL Syntax for MySQL
15.1 Basic Syntax
15.2 SQL Commands
16. MySQL Data Types
16.1 Numeric Data Types
16.2 String Data Types
16.3 Date Data Types
16.4 Complex Data Types
17. Operators and Functions
17.1 Operators
17.2 Functions
18. MySQL PHP API Reference
18.1 Data Types
18.2 Functions
19. C Reference
19.1 Data Types
19.2 Functions
20. The Python DB-API
20.1 Module: MySQLdb
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