
标题: 新版本MySQL Connector/Net 5.2.4 驱动发布了 [打印本页]

作者: kider    时间: 2008-11-13 09:41
标题: 新版本MySQL Connector/Net 5.2.4 驱动发布了

MySQL Connector/Net 5.2.4, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.

This release is of GA quality and is suitable for
use in production environments.
We strongly urge you to review the change log that is shipped with the product for a thorough review of the changes.

We have a ton of fixes in this release so please review the changelog and see if your favorite bug has been fixed.
Version 5.2.4 works with all versions of MySQL including MySQL-4.1,
MySQL-5.0, MySQL-5.1, and the MySQL-6.0 beta.

It is now available in source and binary form from [] and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point of time
- if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

** Changes since 5.2.3 **
- fixed web providers autogenerateschema option where it would fail if no schema is

present at all (bug #39072)

- backported fix for lingering problem related to bug #37239.
If two columns had the same name but

different case then an exception would be thrown.

- fixed stored procedure parameter parsing when used inside server explorer.
(bug #39252)

- fixed time data type so that negative values are handled properly (bug
- added runtime check for the mono platform to our Membership provider.

The mono runtime

as of 1.9.1 did not support the methods needed for hashed passwords (bug #38895)

- fixed problem where negative time values with a zero hour would return as positive

values (bug #39294)

- fixed problem where using a stored procedure with parameters with a table adapter

was no longer working after our parameter schema changes (bug #39252)

- fixed problem with profile provider where INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE UPDATE syntax would not

work correctly with some older server versions (bug #39330)

- Defaulting max allowed packet to 1024 to account for the possible case where the

value doesn't come in as a server variable

- fixed bug #39728 by making
MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.GetConnectionString an internal method.

It should not have been publicly available anyway.
It is used internally by the

MySqlConnection.ConnectionString property

- implemented Disposable pattern on MySqlTransaction class so including one in a using statement

and then not calling commit will cause a rollback when the using exits (bug #39817)

- fixed MySqlScript object so that it handles scripts with user variables
- fixed bug where specifying 'functions return string=yes' would cause strings to be returned

using the 'binary' charset which would not properly render some characters.
Now the

connection character set is used. (bug #40076)

- fixed problem that caused in use connection strings to be modified when a pooled connection

timed out and was cancelled.
(bug #40091)

- fixed problem where using respect binary flags would not use the connection char set

and therefore return strings with a bad encoding.

- fixed bug where provider was attempting to use the new parameters I_S view on servers

that didn't have it (bug #40382)

- fixed problem where CharSetMap.GetDefaultCollation and CharSetMap.GetMaxLengths

might have a thread sync issue on high load systems.
They were not locking

the static collections there were initializing. (bug #40231)

- added GetSByte to the reader for returning tinyint columns (bug #40571)
作者: 愛罘昰脣語    时间: 2016-1-25 11:46

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